Up, Up, and Amazed

One year ago, I had the joy of my first hot air balloon ride, courtesy of a relative, who happens to own one. My son Nick and I couldn’t turn down the spur-of the-moment invitation to go ballooning over farmland in Glyndon, Minnesota on the most perfect August evening. Before I could think about it, I blurted out, “YES!”
We helped unpack the balloon, set it up, then we went up, and up, and away… but what amazed me most was this:
I had no fear of being in that small container.
It didn’t bother me that Captain Tom, our pilot sat on the edge of the basket. My public health background would normally make everyone be responsible, have all feet pressed to the floor, and wearing seatbelts, too.
I was absolutely giddy. My son couldn’t stop smiling.
I thought I was afraid of heights, but the delight of the experience made me forget that.
I know it was magic every time we ascended from the bean fields to way above the treetops in a matter of seconds.
When was the last time you were “amazed”? What does it take for you to be “amazed”? Is it where you are or who you are?
Just asking, and maybe challenging you! The next time someone invites you to do something that might stretch you and amaze you, consider blurting out “YES!”
And please tell me about it!
“Captain Tom and Crew”, Photographic illustration courtesy of Barbara Benda Nagle.