Tomato, Tomahto, Ah Delicio!

My heirloom tomatoes are coming in so fast, I now have a tummy ache and the start of canker sores in my mouth from the acid. I find myself eating them as I pick them, eating them as I see them, eating them as I open the fridge and eye the bowl. They are like candy to me, yet better than candy because they are loaded with nutrients, low in sugar, and have a flavor that defies any other food.
I have Sungolds, Gold Dust, Yellow Pears, Blueberry Cherry, Blackberry Cherry, Cherokee Cherry, Red Currants, Lunchbox, Amish Romas and Super Italian Romas. And if that isn’t enough, I am still waiting for my Uncle Al’s Stupice, and Campbell and Black Krim to ripen.
The cucumbers have been going wild for a long time -the Asian, the mini-white organic, the regular and the burpless… I usually season them with salt and pepper and a dash of seasoned rice vinegar. Last night after picking and knowing I couldn’t eat them all, I piled them in a large colander and walked around the block to unload them on neighbors and unsuspecting walkers. Those without their own gardens were happy to see me.
My first unload was on two young people walking their pitbull – they were very happy with the bounty. My last unload was on a neighbor I had never met. She invited me in for tea! Yes, I will make new friends through extra cukes and tomatoes! This is the unforeseen benefit of sharing vegetables. I don’t plant zucchini because around here extra zucchini ends up on people’s doorsteps and in their cars due to its abundance. I would never do that to my neighbors!
How about you? What do you do with your abundance? Do you can or do you share? I was impressed to hear one neighbor has already canned 40 quarts of pickles from his cucumbers! He said he is carrying on his childhood tradition “from the farm” of canning. He said he would bring me a jar. He then showed me his luscious garden before I went on my way. I am so blessed to have a garden and a neighborhood that is safe. I can knock on doors at night and offer people vegetables without fear. I entered one home and visited a neighbor I had never met. When I got home, it was dark.
People wonder why I live in North Dakota. If you are one of them, is it becoming more clear?