Blog Often? Do I Have To?

I remember back in 2010 when I joined the world of blogging and was so proud of myself! My pride lasted for about a day when I learned from an article on successful blogging that I needed to “blog often!” As a person who proofreads emails to family members, the time and energy of “blogging often” horrified me. How would I find time to think of things to write about , “blog often”, polish and proofread, complete my other work tasks, and still meet my friends for pickleball? Because this seemed an impossible task, I informed my readers that it was going to be an “occasional blog” or a “semi-blog” (in other words, don’t expect much.) What actually happened was that I totally quit blogging trying to shake that “blog often” albatross off my neck.
Now 5 years later, I added this blog to my website and am committing to blogging. Please note that I’m not committing to “blogging often”, since that put me in a state of anxiety. And when in a state of anxiety, I get paralyzed. Since I’m a coach, I coached myself through it. I asked myself what I could do instead of “blog often.” I asked myself other coaching questions, and guess what? I not only started blogging again, I enjoyed it! (Gee, I’m a good coach!)
I’m not on a blog schedule. I write when moved to write. I also write for another blog called Unheralded Fish, a local blog in my community. I recently wrote about The History of the Eagles Concert.
I was recently accepted into the Nutrition Blog Network, a group of 851 blogging nutrition professionals who meet a professional set of standards. I also belong to the Blogging with Integrity Network, meaning I am transparent about my relationships with food industry, government or any other people who could influence my opinion.
I write a fair amount because I’ve been journaling since I was 10 years old. When I’m short on blog material, I turn to my journal where the writing isn’t planned, forced or scheduled. It’s just writing from the heart.
It seems there are millions of blogs out there, so “blogging often” could become a problem. I have found that “Less is more” is very true. Maybe that applies to blogging, too?
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