The Power of Positive Thanking

This Thanksgiving I would like to share “The Power of Positive Thanking” by Marianne Williamson. This article touched me because it expressed the need to be grateful for not just for the good things in life, but also for the not-so-good. That is the true test of gratitude. She writes: “Very often, I say ‘Thank you, God!’ when a gift in my life is packed in silk and satin and wrapped beautifully in ribbons and bows. But just as often, I say thank you when the gift has been wrapped in heartache. Thank you, because I’m determined to see the lesson. Thank you, because I know there’s a gift here, even if I cannot yet see it. I have seen that every devastating loss, there comes at last – because of what I learn- a stunning win of some kind. And when that win arrives, it is more than wrapped in ribbons and bows: It is accompanied by shooting stars. And then I do not shout, ‘Thank you, God, ‘ I whisper it. My gratitude reverberates softly through my entire being. I know I have touched a nerve, not only in men but in the universe itself, and I feel in those moments that life is grateful to me as well. Gratitude lies at the heart of the universe, and I want it at the heart of me.” – Marianne Williamson
Watercolor by Barbara Benda Nagle