Hop…like a Bunny!

Easter Sunday 1962
Whenever my mom wanted one of her daughters (8 to be exact) to do something quickly for her, she would say “Go now, hop like a bunny!” and we would spring into action. I found myself saying the same thing to my boys, but added another one, “let’s go… lickety-splitity!”
Do you remember the song “Voices” by country singer Chris Young? He sings, “I hear voices all the time” such as “my dad says work that job, but don’t work your life away… and mama tellin’ me to drop some cash in the offering plate on Sunday…and granddad saying you can have a few but don’t ever cross that line… ” Whether we try to or not, we pass down tradition, mannerisms, and hopefully, wisdom from generation to generation.
My mother was always collecting inspirational adages and information on how to succeed in life. They would be taped to the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, your bedroom door, or pinned to the dining room curtains! They were things like: “Today’s Positive Thinking Message” from Norman Vincent Peale, columns from Ann Landers, such as The Difference between Love and Infatuation, funny but profound comics (yes, Beetle Bailey can be profound!) and even checklists with pens attached, such as “Are you Ready to Go to College?” We had a framed picture in our dining room that explained the difference between optimists and pessimists. After looking at it from my breakfast spot for many years, I can still quote it from memory. Most importantly, my mother lived her adages, and though she has been gone for many years, she will long be remembered for being an incredibly positive, loving, and uplifting person.
What about YOU? When you are gone, what “voices” are you going to leave in other people’s heads? What “phrases” will they remember you by? Will you be remembered for positive, life-enhancing phrases, or for your “gloom and doom” view of the world?
If you aren’t sure, ask family members and friends what words describe you best. This can be an eye-opening exercise, or maybe just a re-affirming one. The good part about this exercise is that if you are negative, you are still alive to change things!
And if you aren’t sure how to make changes, contact me and I will coach you toward the changes you want to make. Coaching is a great way to establish clarity in your life vision, establish goals, create action steps, and accomplish what you set out to do. Why wait? Check out my coaching packages and let’s get started! For more info, contact me at [email protected]