The Law of Attraction: What are YOU Attracting?

Many people have read the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, which was popular several years ago. The basic premise of this book is that what you focus on, think about, talk about, etc. is what you will get most of in your life. Your words attract your destiny.
For example, if you always say, I can’t resist sweets” you will prove yourself correct. When you imprint those words in your mind, you body will follow suit and grab the next cookie that presents itself. If you say “I hate exercise”, it’s easy to plop on the couch and grab a bag of chips. If you always say “I feel sick” you will have no desire to get out of your jammies and crawl out of bed. You will feel more pain as the day goes on. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This transfers to other parts of life besides fitness, too. If you say, “I’m broke, I will never get out of debt, ” you will keep spending. If you say, “I never seem to make friends. No one likes me,” there is a good chance you will walk around with a frown on your face and not many people will come running to meet you!
On the other hand, if you say, “I can resist sweets any time I want” you will walk right past the bakery. If you say, “I love to exercise” you will put on your tennis shoes and head out the door, even if it’s just for a few blocks. If you say, “I am in control of my spending,” you may find yourself holding tight to your cash, and lo and behold, there will be more money in the bank. Announce “I feel great!” and you will soon be forgetting your aches and pains. Again, you attract the truth of your words.
The more I read about the Law of Attraction, the more I believe it has its roots in the Bible. Matthew 6:21 states, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew encourages the reader to not waste time on the things that “moths and rust destroy and thieves steal.” Why get worked up about things that don’t matter, the “treasures on earth”, when you can “stockpile treasures in heaven?”
When you think about how you spend your time and who you spend time with, what are you attracting? The good, the bad, or the indifferent? What are your treasures, anyway, and where are you stockpiling them?
If you are in the rut of attracting negative people or negative results from your own negative thinking or behaviors, consider hiring me as your life and wellness coach. I have a variety of tools and techniques that can help you move into a more positive mode of thinking and living. Another option is taking one of my tele-classes, such as Outsmarting Overeating or My Wellness Journey and work on this goal with others to support you. Explore my website or email me at [email protected] You have nothing to lose but negative energy!
Photo credit: Painting by Barbara Benda Nagle, permission granted