Thanks, Norman
With all the “decluttering” going on, what do we do when the holidays roll around and we are again put in the frenzy to “buy more, have more, and fill up our lives with more?” As I plan my “Decluttering Made Easy” classes for 2015, I look at my desk – it is cluttered with notes! I think about the clutter of the holidays: the clutter of holiday preparations, the clutter of schedules to synchronize, the clutter of menus to plan, the clutter of people, the clutter of dishes, the clutter of Black Friday sales ads, the clutter of cash, and the biggest clutter of all… voices in our heads telling us what to do, how to do it, when to fit “it” all in!
Is it any wonder people find the holidays stressful?
Come get me, Norman Rockwell, and let’s sit down in one of your classic Thanksgiving dinner scenes where everyone is seated at the table, actually hungry, no cell phones or Ipads in sight, Grandpa grinning because a lovely turkey is being carved, and all heads are bowed in prayer…
Aha! A light bulb just went off for me.
Decluttering starts with simply giving thanks.
I give thanks to God for all of my blessings, my family, my business, and you, my clientele – my long-timers and even curious newcomers who stopped by to read my blog this day.
I simply say…”thank you.”