Coaching Children to Optimal Nutrition

When was the last time you taught a child to cook? I have great memories of inviting eight children to my house to do a test run on a cooking demo I was creating. We made a variety of “panini” sandwiches using a George Foreman grill and a variety of ingredient options for their sandwich creations: Sun butter, jelly, bananas, pickles, turkey and cheese! We had so much fun – kids are so creative! My neighbor Lisa turned her Sun Butter Pickle Jelly Sandwich into a Smiley Sandwich!
Keep in mind that most kids WANT to cook, so take the time to teach them kitchen safety, appliance safety, and skip the temptation to run to fast food places. Your family will eat healthier and you will save money, too!
If your family is struggling with eating right, I can assist you in getting back on track! Having worked in maternal child health for over 17 years, I have seen “it all!” As the mother of two sons, I am also a realist, and understand the role of peer pressure and the need for children to have “authentic preferences.” I don’t ever use the term “picky eaters,” but prefer “selective eaters.” After all, children have the right to have food preferences just as adults do.
On the other hand, labeling children as “picky” can give them attention and power that can make parents miserable. The less attention you give them the better they will eat. “Picky eaters” are unheard of in Third World countries, for obvious reasons.
Looking for a great website resource on child nutrition? Check out
My goal for all children, no matter what size, is optimal multi-dimensional wellness. If you would like to work with a “different kind of dietitian” who uses practical and simple methods to get your family’s eating habits under control, I’m here! My Fit Family, Healthy Family virtual classes start in June! Contact me at [email protected] and I can help you decide what options are best for you!