Fall is in the Air!

I love the smell and colors of autumn! I was in Walker, MN at the end of September and the leaves were just starting to turn. I was so fascinated by this tree that was “half-turned” that I had to lie on the grass and take pictures of it from below. So amazing! When I returned home, I went into my backyard and my cherry tomatoes were ice cold, and begging to come into the house! To top it off, my next-door neighbor was cleaning his snow blower! How can this be? Summer flew by and here we are, preparing for winter.
How about you? Are you prepared for the next season or “next phase” of your life? We often talk about “living for today” but truly we must be prepared for what is around the corner, whether it is winter, parenting, a change in career, retirement, a new relationship, re-location, an upcoming surgery, even an update in personal goals. The bottom line is: Are you ready for what’s ahead?
Wherever you are in life, find people to support you. As a life and wellness coach, as well as Registered Dietitian, I am one of those people. If you have a goal and don’t know where to begin, please contact me at [email protected] I would love to work with you in any “season” or phase of your life!