Nutrition, Wellness and Health Coaching – onsite and virtual services including coaching, motivational nutrition presentations, worksite wellness consulting, grocery store tours, etc.


The Oscars: Take the Stage!

As the Oscars recently wrapped up, I had an idea. I am going to challenge you to become an actor. Think about a character you have seen in a movie that touched you for some reason. What would it take you to “be” that person or take on that person’s admirable characteristic (s)? Example: say […]


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Blogging with Integrity

At the bottom of my website page, you will see a Blogging with Integrity badge and a disclaimer for my blog. I hope you read it, as well as check out the website I want you to know who I am and what I stand for. For starters, I could use some sponsorship money […]


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Thanks, Norman

With all the “decluttering” going on, what do we do when the holidays roll around and we are again put in the frenzy to “buy more, have more, and fill up our lives with more?” As I plan my “Decluttering Made Easy” classes for 2015, I look at my desk – it is cluttered with […]

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