Candy Holidays in Full Swing… Be on Guard!

On this last day of October, how stocked are you for the trick -or-treaters? Or do you have to run out to the store again because your stash has been gobbled up not by goblins but by “taste testers” such as yourself?
Don’t worry, I’m not pointing fingers… at anyone but myself! Although I only bought one large bag of treats, I confess that I did test the goods last night. Yes, they were satisfactory for pint-sized house visitors… whew!
Now, seriously, was that taste testing necessary?
What about you? Do you buy Halloween candy and justify sampling it well before Oct. 31st? Do you make sure you buy “your favorite” candy? If so, what is your reason for that? Do you buy twice as much as what you need? Again, what’s your motive?
You know where I’m going with this.
Without admitting it, we are all breaking into the launch of the “Let’s Throw our Healthy Eating to the Wind” campaign which starts with Halloween and goes for the next three months. People used to blame Thanksgiving and Christmas for the weight gain that led to the need for New Year’s weight loss resolutions but truly it all starts with the biggest candy holiday of the year: Halloween.
If you look at any calendar, we have a “sweets” or overeating holiday or event almost every month. Some of you may have noticed Christmas candy stocked near the Halloween candy! There is no break between Candy Holidays.
So, the bottom line is this: all year long you will be faced with candy and sweet temptations. As a believer in Intuitive Eating, I feel there is a place and time for these foods in our diets. However, if you eat them constantly, eat them mindlessly, eat them fast and furiously, then we may need to talk. You are eating for all the wrong reasons and you will surely gain weight from this style of eating.
If you need extra help through these next three months with tackling the Candy Monster within you, please consider contacting me for nutrition coaching! I’d rather help you ward off the weight now than have you call me in January and tell me about the damage done that started when you bought home that “extra bag of Halloween candy….”
I’m just an email away at [email protected] Please contact me today for a free coaching sample!