Nutrition, Wellness and Health Coaching – onsite and virtual services including coaching, motivational nutrition presentations, worksite wellness consulting, grocery store tours, etc.


Are you Smarter than a First Grader about Fruits and Veggies?

I was listening to the radio recently when I heard a breakthrough news flash.  It was so earth shattering, I almost had to stop to reset my breathing. The radio announcer reported that “new research” is out there that implies that fruits and vegetables are healthy for you and can help prevent disease. Furthermore, if you […]

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You Guys, You Guys, You Guys!

Recently, I listened to a professional webinar by a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s Degree. There was a recurring theme in the message, and it had nothing to do with the theme of the webinar.  It was a bad habit that distracted me so much, that I couldn’t tell you what the webinar was about. […]

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