Nutrition, Wellness and Health Coaching – onsite and virtual services including coaching, motivational nutrition presentations, worksite wellness consulting, grocery store tours, etc.

In the Kitchen

kitchengnomeDid you know that most Americans eat almost a fourth of their meals away from home?  Combine that with super-size portions and little control on how the food is prepared, and you have a recipe for unwanted health issues over time.    When clients ask me how to eat healthier away from home, I like to first inquire about what has moved them away from their own kitchens.  Some of the reasons are “lack of time” , “lack of planning” and “fatigue” while others are “don’t know how” and “don’t know what!”  If any of those reasons hit home with you and you would like to get back in your own kitchen, let’s get started!  I can assist you in learning how to:

  • Plan and prepare simple, yet healthy meals
  • Make mealtime a family priority
  • Create a food environment that is conducive to happy mealtimes
  • Get everyone in your family involved so all the work is not on your shoulders
  • Use more spices and less salt and sugar in any recipe
  • Use less fat in recipes while maintaining the flavor
  • Teach your children to cook while becoming healthier eaters


Bev’s Tasty Veggie Egg Salad

Bein’ Creative! Fruit Smoothie

Ninja Turtle Smoothie

Stoplight Pepper Pasta

Apple Cider Chicken

Josh’s Quinoa Salad

Scrambled Egg Muffins

Veronica’s Amazing Coleslaw

Salmon and Tangy Mediterranean Grain Salad

Grandma Kay’s Fruit Crunch (Rhubarb or Apple)

Breakfast in a Cookie

Simple Summer Fruit Pie

Southwestern Chicky Soup

Barley, Corn and Pepper Salad

Enlightened Zucchini Bread

Guacamole Pomegranate Dip

Guiltless Nachos Supreme

Fruit Ice Pops

Rita’s Apple Muffins (Huge Batch)

Roasted Garden Tomatoes

Savory RoastedBeets


Tammy’s Chicken Burgers

Oven Baked Lentils

Mood Swing Salad

Feed-Your-Need-for-Pasta Zucchini

Confetti Bean Salad

Drying Herbs

Zonya’s Hot Tottie
